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You are with max. 6 persons

Yes, I like to come ...

Depending on the booking period, you pay per day:

May-June: 160 euros per day

July-Aug: 185 euros per day

Sept-Oct: 170 euros per day


The minimum booking days are for May/June/October : min. 3 nights

The minimum booking days are for July/Aug/Sept : min. 7  nachten 

(with arrival and/or departure on Saturday, for example if you come for 10 days in the high season, then you arrive or depart on a Saturday, if you come for 1 or 2 full weeks, then it is from Saturday to Saturday)


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Is my booking period still available?

Quickly view the attached agenda to see if your desired period is still available. If this is free, send an email to Luc as soon as Please provide your name, number  guests and your desired period. We respond within 24 hours and let you know quickly whether the booking can be reserved.

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